
Anorak News | She Is!

She Is!

by | 7th, September 2006

SOME say she is pictured from the front because she has just two-dimensions. Some say if you look into her eyes for too long your brains cook and you start dreaming in Medieval Dutch. Some say her skin can change colour and texture.

Now at least we can see for ourselves as Suri Cruise is revealed to the world at large.

“Hair’s lookin’ at you, kid!” says the Sun’s headline. It has seen the shot of Suri on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine and finds it hard to miss the babe’s mass of jet black hair.

This is the “baby picture that surprised the world” says the Express’s headline. And it too spots Suri’s “astonishing” mop of black hair.

“She has Katie’s lips and eyes. I think she looks like Katie,” says Tom Cruise, the paper’s Earth father. “I think she has Tom’s eyes, I think she looks like Tom,” says Katie Holmes, Suri’s Earth mother.

And once more we are back in those dark days of rumours and suspicion. Perhaps Suri has both Tom and Katie’s eyes, alternating between the two?

Not that we get to see Suri’s eyes alongside those of her parents. The only picture any paper shows is the magazine’s cover shot in which Suri looks out to the world and mum and dad gaze down at her.

Might it be that she does have their eyes, perhaps in the palm of her hands? Not that you see Suri’s hands. Indeed, all we see in the ubiquitous picture is Suri’s head popping out over the top of Tom’s leather jacket.

Tom’s hand is cradled around the child, his fingers holding the jacket together lest Suri spill out and show… And show what? Perhaps there are photographs of the child’s arms, legs and body in the magazine’s 22-page spread? Perhaps not.

And while we imagine a bouncing baby, and others picture flippers and no body at all, just a head with ears that double as hands, the Star screams from its front page: “CRUISE ‘ALIEN’ BABY SHOCK.”

The paper has seen enough. The pictures of Suri have left fans “spluttering with shock”. It quotes an “expert” (behavioural psychologist David Iles), hearing him say that the photo would “do nothing to halt crazy ‘alien’ rumours circulating the US.

And coming into land at a newsagents near you…

Posted: 7th, September 2006 | In: Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink