
Anorak News | Hoff With His Head

Hoff With His Head

by | 14th, September 2006

“DI TRIED TO HAVE IT HOFF WITH ME,” says the Star’s front-page headline, a story based on the life and times of David Hasselhoff.

Can it be that the man who brought the Berlin Wall a-tumblin’ down was once propositioned by our Princess of Hearts?

If shy Di were alive today to read this her face would surely blush as red as a Baywatch swimsuit.

And we too find is hard not to redden at the thought of Di and The Hoff in a clinch.

But The Hoff does not lie. And here he tells all. He says that when he and Di met in 1993, there were “sparks” between them.

Though both were married at the time, they each sensed an attraction. And “if circumstances had been different” they would surely have succumbed to their primal urges.

Dave remembers other parts of their conversation.
Diana: “You look much better with your clothes on.
Hoff: Well, Ma’am, so do you.

How they laughed. And, like Lycra swimsuits over a toned and tanned physique, laughter is a more than decent aphrodisiac.

But The Hoff is about so much more than comedy. As he says: “She was smitten with me since I am tall. I was smitten with her since she was so tall.”

Of come, come Dave. There is more to you then mere inches. Sure, at 6ft 4in, you can jump a shark in a single bound, but it’s hard to escape your acting ability, singing voice and impact on international politics.

And your line-free brow. As the Hoff says: “I’ve had Botox, but everyone has. It completely takes out the frown. I take pride in that because I look great.”

And good enough for a Princess…

Posted: 14th, September 2006 | In: Royal Family Comment | TrackBack | Permalink