
Anorak News | Bird Brains

Bird Brains

by | 15th, September 2006

“I COULDN’T believe it. I thought I was stupid.”

So says Danielle Lloyd, the current flame of footballer Teddy Sheringham.

It turns out that this is one of the few things Dani is wrong about. She scored 152 IQ points on the BBC’s Test the Nation quiz – “high enough to join the brainboxes’ club Mensa.”

The Star is just delighted and to celebrate Dani’s achievement captions a shot of the reigning Miss Great Britain (dressed in a cleaving uplifting pink top) with the definition: “BRIGHT.”

Well done, Dani. We look forward to Dani perhaps one day delivering her “News in briefs” on the Star’s Page 3.

But she should be smart enough to know her limits. Though mentally able, Dani will never be No.1 Wag. Not unless she can wear her hair in the style of Cheryl Tweedy, wife of Cashley Cole.

But there is some confusion as to whether Cheryl is No.1 or not. While the Star has her in the top spot, saying she is the sexiest Wag, over in the Sun, “POSH shows why she’s way ahead of the Wags when it comes to style.”

The paper labels Cheryl a “fashion disaster”. She has a “dreadful fringe”. Coleen McLoughlin is pictured at large in an outfit that shows off her white bra under a black dress with “unflattering” flat shoes.

But surely the paper is too quick to judge. Times change, and so too Wags.

Perhaps Cheryl needs her fringe to cover her face when her husband Cashley – now the most loathsome man in British sport – is with her.

And are not Coleen’s shoes the sensible choice for table dancing and walking on German cobblestones?

We think so.

Posted: 15th, September 2006 | In: Back pages Comment | TrackBack | Permalink