Madonna’s Mothers Race
AT first glance, it’s not easy to mistake Madonna and Jane Glaves, a retired teacher who has for six years been making donations to the Home of Hope orphanage in Mchinji, Malawi.
That’s the place that was until very recently home to David Banda. And during her trips to the orphanage Jane became attached to this little boy.
As David Banda’s father Yohane tells the Mail: “The woman’s brother’s name was also David and she sent him pictures of my son and said he was going to come and collect him. We were waiting for them both to come back to the village, but Madonna took him first.”
It was a race. And what chance did Jane, a 70-year-old Canadian grandmother, have against a fit American performer? Madonna, dressed in her conical bra, can breast the finishing line without breaking sweat?
Jane lost. And having regained her breath, she is ready to speak out. Jane says she was perplexed that having put forward the names of children who had nobody, Madonna chose the child with a living parent.
“At first I was angry that Madonna seemed to be able to adopt David so quickly because of the length of time and stress the other two families had to endure,” says Jane. (Jane was involved in the adoptions of twins and a girl, a process that took three years.)
Jane says Madonna “obviously had very good lawyers”.
And Madonna may see fit to call upon the suits to refute Jane’s claims that rather than being ignored by his family, as Madonna has claimed she was told, David’s grandmother was a frequent visitor to the orphanage. So too Davie’s father Yohane.
And here comes Yohane to tell us: “If these people [Jane and her brother] had adopted him, no one would have ever caused this fuss and I could be living my life as normal.”
Poor Yohane. See the noble farmer, tilling the dry onion fields with little to no hope that his son will ever know rare luxury.
And with less hope that and one day David Banda will return to Malawi and adopt his dad…
Posted: 1st, November 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink