
Anorak News | When Dolphins Attack

When Dolphins Attack

by | 6th, November 2006

“DOLPHINS,” says the Mail, “are the embodiment of water-borne grace.”

Dolphins get a good press. You never hear a bad word said about dolphins. Stingrays, sharks and several species of fish come under attack, but dolphins ride the seas on a wave of human love. We even like it when tuna are friendly with dolphins.

But the dolphin is changing. The Mail tells us that the bottlenosed dolphin posing on its back looks pretty much like any other dolphin. It does.

But on closer inspection, we see two extra fins at the dolphin’s rear. The Mail says that each fin is the size of a human hand, and that they are thought to be the remains of a pair of hind legs.

The dolphin, one of four caught by Japanese fishermen, is believed to be the fist dolphin ever caught with a set of four fins.

Seiji Osumi, of the Institute of Cetacean Research in Tokyo, says: “I believe the fins may be the remains from the time when the dolphin’s ancestors lived on land. This is an unprecedented discovery!”

In the history dolphin catching, no four-finned creature has ever been caught? And Mr Osumi, an expert in such things, believes this dolphin is a legacy and not a prototype.

It is our belief that the oceans are changing. Greenhouse gasses, pollutants, Tony Blair’s weather machine, blame what you will, but dolphins are adapting.

Evolution is slow, but one day dolphins will rise from the sea and walk on land. What chance then humanity faced with a 9ft-tall creature with a beak full with sharp teeth?

Kill the dolphin. Before it does for us all…

Posted: 6th, November 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink