Poker’s Full (Public) House
A Full (Public) House
THE new Gambling Act, which comes into force next year, will allow pubs to host poker games. Before this, landlords have had to ask a local magistrate for special permission to allow games of chance to be played on their premises – bingo, bridge and poker.
The new rules state that the games must be for low stakes – a cap of around £10 is mooted – and landlords will not be allowed to profit from the game. Casino games which require a banker – roulette, blackjack etc. – remain banned.
While some see the mix of gambling and alcohol as a recipe for disaster, a spokesman for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport says: “To ban poker from pubs would risk encouraging unlawful games which would be difficult to control.”
But surely unlawful games have always existed and always will. And don’t the punters booze at casinos?
Posted: 30th, November 2006 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink