Murder Burkas
Ronald McDonald’s halal burkas
THE Express has a picture of a drug dealer being beheaded in Saudi Arabia. And another shot of a women stuck in a pit and making ready to be stoned to death.
Grim? Undoubtedly. And as the Express infers, it’s the kind of thing we may soon see on any High Street, shopping precinct and recreation ground in this land.
The paper says “secret” Islamic courts are dispensing justice in the UK.
A Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, director of something called the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, has written a report in which he speaks of Muslim girls (and, one supposes, boys) being forced into marriage, honour killings and mutilation.
He might go on to talk of people being strapped into chairs and plugged into the national grid and the campaign for a return to the short, sharp shock, but for now it is Islam and not Christian justice that troubles the doctor.
And there is more. It seems that so growing in power and influence is Islam that McDonald’s, that venerable bastion of two god-fearing beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun, is to make a halal murder burger.
“Burka king…” says the paper’s headline. It says the brains at McDonald’s emporium are “seriously” considering trying to entice the Islamic community to its brand of processed fat and sauce.
(Of course, McDonald’s is not Burger King, on whose name the Express constructs its pun, and at least the Sun shows some knowledge of the processed fat business with its headline: “THE BIG MECCA”.)
And, understandably, there are concerns. No, not that religious Muslims will soon be as fat as the rest of us, but that the beef may be inhumanely produced.
The Star spots the Farm Action Welfare Council “bitterly” opposing the technique whereby animals made ready for halal meat are bled to death.
Much better – and dare it go unsaid, much more Christian – to zap the critter in the head with a divine bolt of electricity – see America’s Death Row…
Posted: 1st, December 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink