
Anorak News | The Man For Atlantis

The Man For Atlantis

by | 10th, January 2007

“EUROPE: the future. This is how global warming will ravage the continent, reveals the EU.”

The Independent leads with a map. It is a picture of the European Unions surrounded by a wagon train of stars.

But the stars cannot keep the enemy out. Nothing can. Global warming is in the very air we breathe. And it is coming to get us.

Although we do quite well in Blighty. The Indy says that Northern Europe benefits initially, “with a longer growing season, more tourism and fewer deaths.”

Bring it on. Start your engines and leave them running. Buy another fridge. Plant melon seeds. Make hay and wine while the sun shines.

Little wonder Tony Blair has been jetting off to foreign climes for his holidays, on his way burning all that warmth-inducing fossil fuel. What a patriot. Tony knows what’s best for the county he serves.

Tony’s carbon footprint is huge. Tony and the Blarios stomp about the planet wearing size 42 DM boots, like those worn by Elton John in the film Tommy. Rock on, Tony.

Meanwhile, down south, there are forest fires in Portugal. Agricultural yields in Spain are falling sharply. Across Southern Europe “severe drought” will claim the lives of 86,000 people each year.

In the East, there will be “devastating” floods. The Danube has burst its banks in recent years. Hungarians should expect more of the same. The land-locked country will become an Atlantis.

And the Alps will melt. The ice and snow will decline. Skiing holidays will become “impossible”.

“Europe, the richest and most fertile continent and the model for the modern world, will be devastated by climate change,” reports the Indy. And so says the European Union latest report.

This report is “stark and uncompromising”.

So what can we do to save the landmass and to keep us skiing? Why, we can cut back on emissions of carbon dioxide. We can do less.

And move to America. Eh, Tony…

Posted: 10th, January 2007 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink