Big Brother Uncut, Or Cut
It’s got the lot, this one.
There’s this bald Brummie getting a blow-job, a black lesbian bodybuilder picking her nose in bed, a fat red-faced sweaty sock pretending to give one to an obese black bird from Birmingham, and an undereducated cockney with a big chest who farts while jumping over a female Arsenal fan during a game of leap-frog.
Sounds good doesn’t it? But don’t take our word for it. Watch the DVD of Big Brother Uncut 3 for yourself.
And now thrill to the sequel. It’s “JADE’S LIVE SEX SHOW,” says the Star. Any takers?
The Star’s front page threatens much. These are the “bits they wouldn’t let you see” on Celebrity Big Brother.
The story is that “dippy” Jade – who continues to be talked about as dim despite the Sun’s news that her get slim workout (available on DVD) works best with some liposuction – has partaken of “seedy sex antics” on Big Brother.
Those of us who saw Jade all those large globular moons ago sitting naked on the Big Brother sofa in Big Brother 3, will wonder what there is left to see
But there is more. “JACK IT RIGHT IN JADE,” comes the revolting headline in the Star. “X-rated romp too dirty for telly.”
There are “porn-style romps”. There is Jack performing an “X-rated sex act on Jade”. Cameramen, a famously prudish bunch, have seen the pair “pleasuring one another between the sheets of a double bed”.
Another clip shows Jack forgoing the delights of Jade and “pleasuring himself”. “Stop it!” commands Jade. “I don’t want you to mess up the bed.”
See it all on Celebrity Big Brother – Uncut. Or cut. Or … Well, best not to look…
Posted: 16th, January 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink