
Anorak News | Just Mike – Jennifer Aniston’s New Lover

Just Mike – Jennifer Aniston’s New Lover

by | 13th, February 2007

small_171291_1_1171487325.jpg“JENNIFER: new nose and new man.”

But what came first?

Did Jennifer Aniston, for it is she, get the new nose then get the new man, or was it the other way around?

Or did the new man bring the new nose with him? Is the new man a plastic surgeon? Or do noses in Hollywood come with a new man? Is the new Aniston hooter part of two-for-one deal?

The only way to know for sure is to move deeper inside Grazia magazine and take note of Jennifer’s new slimline nose.

The magazine says it is “no surprise to learn that it’s not just the new nose job putting a huge smile on her face”.

As noted, there is a new man. And, of course, Jennifer Aniston has always had a huge smile, and it might be that it just seems bigger then ever because it is no longer being overshadowed of her old nose.

Get the new hose and get a bigger smile, too. And a more prominent chin…

But to the man. He’s called Mike. Just Mike. And Just Mike has been dating Jennifer. Just Mike is a cameraman. Just Mike works on Courteney Cox’s new TV show, Dirt.

A source tells us that Jennifer, or Just Jen, and Just Mike have been on several dates, including a trip to a bowling alley.

Jen does not turn her new nose up at such things. Although what with the rented shoes, many might…

Posted: 13th, February 2007 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink