
Anorak News | Sophie Anderton Walks

Sophie Anderton Walks

by | 27th, February 2007

sophieanderton-walks.jpgHigh maintenance mo-del Sophie Anderton was all set to embark on a two-week trek across the Arctic.

Sophie would walk 140 miles in temperatures of minus 40 degrees.

Her efforts would raise money for the Mitchempt Trust, which sends vulnerable children to adventure camps.

And Sophie’s former lover, Crystal Palace chairman Simon Jordan – he of the Palace uber alles hairstyle – had agreed to stump up her £25,000 sponsorship fee.

But Sophie has pulled out of the walk amid fears of aggravating an old leg injury – waking the catwalk can be tough.

Posted: 27th, February 2007 | In: Money Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink