
Anorak News | Does ITV Add Up?

Does ITV Add Up?

by | 13th, March 2007

MUCH has been made of the ITV quiz show scandal.

And in the interests of fairness, we now reproduce a quiz question that featured on the broadcaster’s Make Your Play station.

Question – as delivered to late-night telly watchers (insomniacs, drunks and journalists):

“Add the pence, listed: Two pounds, 25p, £1.47, 16p and fifty pence.”

Can you do it?

Tell us your answers. ITV charged 75p a time. The prize was £30,000. After three hours, no-one won.

Look out for a clue coming later.

And then we will tell you how to solve it.

The answer is either:

A) 438

B) 39

C) 506

Answer later…



Two pounds is 200p plus 2p (two p) and 1p (p at the beginning of “pounds”) which makes 203p

-25p: 25p plus 5p and 1p (the p symbol) = 31p £1.47 = 147p 1

-6p: 16p plus 6p and 1p (p again) = 23p

-Fifty pence: 50p plus 50p (fifty p, a shortening of pence), 1p (reference to pence) and 1p (p only) = 102p

-Adding 203p, 31p, 147p, 23p and 102p gives a total of 506p

Posted: 13th, March 2007 | In: Money Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink