eBay & The Web Of Deceit
NOT content with being skinned alive by outrageous bank charges, the innocent consumer has now also been taking to the cleaners by that purveyor of all known evils – the internet.
According to a survey by Get Safe Online in conjunction with the BBC, 12% of us have suffered online fraud in the last 12 months, at an average loss of £875.
Ebay’s Garreth Griffith (a man with the rather woolly title of ‘head of trust and safety’), whose website has been the target of all sorts of fraud and phishing shenanigans, urges its users to read the website’s security information – “Just as people buying a video recorder dispense with the instruction manual so that mentality manifests itself on the internet.”
Good point. But what’s a video recorder?
Posted: 26th, March 2007 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink