Hugh Grant & Jemima Khan’s Double Take
HUGH Grant has been spotted twice in the company if Ms Jemima Khan.
One spotting occupies the front page of the Evening Standard, the
“Back together: Hugh and Jemima,” trills the headline.
But – hold the front page – on Page 3, the paper has become less sure. “Is it all back on as Grant and Jemima meet twice in two days?” it asks its readers.
“Yes,” say the readers. “We read it on the front page of the Standard that Hugh and Jemima are back together. If memory serves the headline went something like: “Back together: Hugh and Jemima.”
Might it be that the Standard is too busy operating at the bleeding edge of journalism to take notice of what it writes?
Answer in the form of a question to the usual address…
Posted: 26th, March 2007 | In: Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink