
Anorak News | Jungle Mums – Kerry Katona & Jordan

Jungle Mums – Kerry Katona & Jordan

by | 27th, March 2007

untitled.jpgAND so it comes to this. After years of creating celebrity ice dancers, pig tossers and bigots, the final reckoning: JORDAN V KERRY.

OK! traces the feud back to is roots in the I’m A Celebrity jungle, where Kerry is weeping for her then husband Brian McPadding and Jordan is dallying with pop acorn Peter Andre.

Things are good. Life is easy. Cockroaches are plentiful.

And then Kerry gets divorced. And Kerry marries Mark Croft. And Jordan, now married to the acorn, says: “I think he’s taking advantage of how fragile she is. I’m worried about her being the next Anna Nicole Smith.”

Mark is not a petrified Texas billionaire; Mark is a cabbie from Warrington with a low-rent past. But Kerry is blonde-ish. And that’s enough for Jordan.

But Kerry says Jordan is wrong. Kerry says Jordan is “harsh”. Kerry says Jordan should not judge a person on what she reads in the magazines. Kerry – stunning, talented and blonde, it says here – is out to set the record straight.

Kerry: I am really p****ed off with the things you’ve said recently. I was really hurt!
Jordan: But Kerry, you are still my friend…”

It soon becomes apparent that this tête-à-tête has been recorded before Kerry’s marriage to Mark. Kerry is pregnant, and Jordan, also pregnant, seems to be still bathed in the deep orangey glow of her marriage to the aforesaid acorn.

The girls put rollers in their hair. Kerry picks up a pillow. Jordan wants to know if Kerry has taken drugs. “I have not taken any drugs,” says Kerry. “I do not drink and I haven’t left my house. The last time I had a drink was on January 6. I had a Baileys.”

Katie: You shouldn’t have to justify yourself.
Kerry: [Stating to cy] No, I shouldn’t…

Kerry goes on to tell Jordan how she smoked all through her pregnancy. She is “too trusting”.

Jordan wants to know how Kerry copes with the pressure, the stress, the trials and tribulations of being reality TV royalty (Kerry won I’m A Celebrity and became the jungle queen)? Says Kerry: “I put a big front on, don’t I.”

And finally, after the rift, Jordan and Kerry are on common ground…

Posted: 27th, March 2007 | In: Celebrities, OK! Comment | TrackBack | Permalink