
Anorak News | United Kingdom Of Sainsbury

United Kingdom Of Sainsbury

by | 28th, March 2007

jamie_oliver.jpgTHE continuing plans to turn Britain into one giant supermarket were given another boost today when friend of the community Sainsbury’s published healthy new sales figures.

With a number of private equity firms reported to be planning an imminent takeover, the figures which show a 5.9% growth in sales in the 12 weeks to March 24th are sure to have the Sainsbury’s big-wigs dancing in the aisles.

Reuters finger Marks & Spencer as another company currently pondering a takeover bid for Sainsbury’s, who now have around 16.5 of the country’s 125 billion pound grocery market.

The Sainsbury’s group claim the impressive sales results are due to store refurbishments, a growth in the sale of Fair Trade products, a focus on healthy eating not to mention the sale of goods linked to the national “Red Nose” charity day.

Making money out of charity – another reason to love your big supermarket.

Posted: 28th, March 2007 | In: Money Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink