
Anorak News | Shop Scan Save – Schlep Drone Poor

Shop Scan Save – Schlep Drone Poor

by | 12th, April 2007

IN a valiant effort to fight back against the supermarkets’ popular special-offer and loyalty card campaigns, a new mobile phone-based scheme is set to be launched across 17,000 local grocers.

The programme, called Shop Scan Save, is a modern twist on the coupon culture, with consumers receiving special offers, in barcode form, on their mobiles which they can then scan in from handheld displays in the shops.

With the likes of Unilever, Proctor & Gamble and Nestlé all signed up, the scheme is set to be rolled out in July and according to Marc Lewis, chairman of the The Light Agency, the company that will manage the data collected, the aim is to appeal to a new market.

Says he: “In the UK, coupons are seen as fairly tacky. There is the sense that people who use them are middle-aged women, earning less than £30,000 a year. We want to attract a more attractive demographic — in particular, men”.

Men who like to dress up as middle-aged women who earn less then 30,000?

Posted: 12th, April 2007 | In: Money Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink