
Anorak News | Virginia Tech Killer Cho Seung-Hui’s Family And A British Connection

Virginia Tech Killer Cho Seung-Hui’s Family And A British Connection

by | 20th, April 2007

goddard3.jpgVIRGINIA Tech murderer Cho Seung-Hui continues to fascinate.

On the Sun, readers learn of student Colin Lynam Goddard. He was shot three times by Cho and survived.

Colin is talking to the Oprah Winfrey show from his hospital bed. In between Oprah’s staple fodder of dieting news, car giveaways and book-plugging therapists, her viewers get to see the victim in his hospital bed.

Says Colin: “I just looked on the ground and acted like I was dead. I thought if I looked at him, then he’d know I’m here, I’m alive.”

And this is not all. Colin’s father is British, he’s the son of a Leicestershire engineer.

This story has global appeal, enough reason for the Sun to cover it on its front page.

And in the Telegraph (“We saw our grandson being carried from the scene, say British couple”), Ruth Goddard, of Melton Mowbray, Leics, says: “We got a phone call from Andrew [Colin’s father] telling us Colin had been shot but wasn’t going to die.

“We were so relieved when we discovered the bullets had missed every vital organ, although it had shattered his femur. We haven’t been able to talk to Colin yet.”

Oprah Winfrey has. They should give her a call, or tune into her show.

Meanwhile, over in the Mirror, readers get to hear from the murderer’s family in South Korea.

In the front-page story “WE ARE GLAD HE IS DEAD”, Cho’s grandfather, Kim Hyang-Sik, says: “It’s better not to have such a child in the family.”

“Son of a bitch,” says he. “It serves him right he died with his victims”.

Kim’s sister, Kim Yang-Sun, remembers the “very quiet” boy, the “loner” with autism who “never showed any feeling or motions”.

She goes on: “The reaction of my brother was that Seung-Hui was a troublemaker and it served him right that he died because he caused his mother a lot of problems.”

His uncle Chan Kim adds: “He wasn’t like normal kids. We were worried about him not talking.

“Both his parents knew he had mental problems but they were poor and they couldn’t send him to a special hospital in the United States.”

Readers are so turned onto a new area of investigation – the state of mental health care.

Which, incidentally, is not something that’s ever talked about when other mass murderers in, say, Iraq and Afghanistan are wrecking lives…

Posted: 20th, April 2007 | In: Tabloids Comments (8) | TrackBack | Permalink