
Anorak News | Post Big Brother Shock Disorder: The Diagnosis

Post Big Brother Shock Disorder: The Diagnosis

by | 13th, May 2007

narinder.jpgPOST Big Brother Shock Disorder: an anxiety disorder that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which acute mental or physical harm occurred or was threatened. Traumatic events that may trigger PBBSD include: being passed over for a presenting job on Living TV, a stint on Celebrity Binge Drink or military combat.

And now you can read about PBBSD in a book by Narinder Kaur, Big Brother survivor. Entitled Big Brother: The Inside Story, Ms Kaur will lift yet another lid off the show that everyone is talking about.

Says Narinder: “There are now around 100 former housemates,’ she explains, ‘some drifting around aimlessly, some the walking wounded, some who went back to their old lives as best as they could, and some, well… who knows?”

That we should never forget these wannabes, has beens and never weres is clear. And while we champion a National Day of Reality TV Remembrance – a ten minute silence to be presented by Danielle Lloyd and Calum Best – Kaur goes on.

She remembers Sam Heuston who experienced Blue’s Duncan James and was so depressed after her eviction that she slashed her wrists in front of her dad.

Say Sam: “I grabbed a razor and cut myself in front of my dad. Blood was all over my arm and dripping on the floor. The ambulance arrived and paramedics stemmed the bleeding. At the hospital I was diagnosed with severe depression, given stronger pills and referred for psychotherapy.”

Anthony Hutton was “randomly punched” in a club. Makosi Musambasi received death threats form Zimbabwe. The shocks are plenty.

And we thank Narinder for showing us the way. And showing other Big Brother agonists that no matter what, you can always get write a book and move on…

Posted: 13th, May 2007 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink