Big Brother Hots Up
PSSST! Wanna see a picture of the boiler that will heat the water that will warm and wash the Big Brother 8 contestants?
It’s the kind of scoop the Star prides itself on, although it was beaten to the job by yesterday’s Mirror.
But never mind the details, just get a load of the quality.
That is a big boiler. It plays a pivotal role in the Big Brother house – without it there would be no warm water and no chance to see Armani and Jakki luxuriating in a soapy bat and getting wet in a steamy shower.
“On the boil,” says the Star. “The boiler that will keep all the housemates warm.”
There are 15 days to go until Big Brother 8 starts and things are, er, heating up…
Posted: 15th, May 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink