
Anorak News | Big Brother All Girl Action

Big Brother All Girl Action

by | 30th, May 2007

hen-night.jpgMANCHESTER United’s “sexy cousin” Charlie Richardson is to appear on Big Brother.

Charlie is, of course, a girl, an apparent truth supported by the exposure of the greater part of her breasts and thighs on the Sun’s front page. But this is Big Brother and we must be shy of making early judgements.

Charlie, described as “gorgeous” and “gobby”, has “several celebrity links”.

As well as being a relative of Manchester United makeweight Richardson, Charlie is on tanning terms with David Beckham’s sister Joanne. And – shock of shocks – Charlie is thought to have stepped out with a few footballers.

And then we enter a strange world of the Big Brother star emeritus and the wannabe.

The Sun journeys back in time to an age when Big Brother’s Saskia Howard-Clarke dreamed of getting ‘em out for the lads in a professional capacity and achieving no little stardom.

Big Brother housemate Saskia was at footballer Jermaine Pennant’s 24th birthday party. The Sun recalls how one of Saskia’s friends argued with Charlie. There is talk of fighting. Blood. Saskia is hit on the head by a bottle. Police.

The Big Bother gene pool is shrinking. Stars mingle with wannabes. And Charlie will appear on this year’s show under the alias “Danni”.

Which throws up problem: how will she be spotted among all the other Dannis , Nikkis and Armanis?

As the Mirrors’ front page reports, the first 12 contestants to enter the Big Brother house will all be women.

These are the 12 “Big Sisters”. After a few weeks, they will be evicted en masse and a load of lads will move in.

It’ll be like watching the goings on a seaside boarding house on Stag and Hen weekenders.

Last one to the cowboy hat and inflatable penis is a loser…


Posted: 30th, May 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink