
Anorak News | Ichea’s Not Big Brother Bovvered

Ichea’s Not Big Brother Bovvered

by | 3rd, June 2007

ICHEA is not bovvered. Look at her face. Go on. Look at it. “They get on my f*ckin’ nerves,” she says. So she is bovvered. But she’s not an “ar*e sucker”. She’s not bovvered. She thinks Ziggy’s going for a “Tom Tank” in the Diary Room. Would this be a Big Brother first? And he’s sleeping next to Charley. He better not wake up “with his ar*e in my face”, says Charley. Why? For hitherto stated reasons? Or because Charley might mistake it for her hair?

Posted: 3rd, June 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink