Big Brother Free Betting: Shabnam Lives, Charley Lingers, Lesley Goes
“HOW do you feel Shabnam?” says Ziggy. “I don’t know,” says Shabnam. “I was looking forward to the excitement of everything.”
“This gives you another crack at the whip, eh?” said Ziggy. “You’re back to square one.”
And Ziggy is back to one square before square one. Forced to nominate two housemates, one ends up chucked out for a moment of crass stupidity/racism and the other is saved.
Shabnam might now get it into her head that fame beckons. She is immune to eviction and nomination. She cannot be killed by conventional Big Brother weaponry.
There is little chance that she will nominated again next week. To vote for her twice masks of persecution. And since Jade Goody and her bigots ruled the roost, persecution is out.
And then there is Charley, second favourite for the chop. Having previously traded at a whopping 229-1 on Betfair, Charley is now 2nd favourite to go at 3-1, after Shabnam who remains the favourite at 5-2.
The hot-panted harridan with the road kill hair-don’t has gone from aggressor to victim.
Who would nominate her now, in light of Emily’s adventure in gangsta rap? No-one will. Like dogs hairs in a shagpile rug, Charley will be around for weeks.
Our tip is to put the free £10 bet on Lesley. She moans. She groans. She verbally jousts with younger housemates, Lesley’s Women’s Institute issue cake slice pitted against the Twins’ cotton wool bud.
“OK, I’ll do mangling…and postmodern irony,” say Lesley. No-one responds. No-one gets Lesley. Lesley is 11-2 after being backed as high as 999-1 to be 1st out.
So it’s time for them to get Lesley out. no one, likes a smart arse, least of all one with cellulite…
Posted: 7th, June 2007 | In: Celebrities Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink