
Anorak News | Big Brother Laura Williams’ Dead And Alive Hole

Big Brother Laura Williams’ Dead And Alive Hole

by | 11th, June 2007

williams-laura.jpgOFFICE Worker Dan Lever wants the world to know that he has had sex with Big Brother’s Laura Williams.

“Lusty Laura”, as the Sun dubs her, is “DEAD HORNY”. As Dan says: “She wanted sex everywhere, night and day. But the one place I refused to do it was the cemetery.”

Is Laura a kind of black widow, luring her mate into a post-coitus lull before rolling them into a burial pit? “Here lay Laura Williams,” says the headstone over her conquests. And here. And here. And here.

Dave refused. Laura persisted. Dave tells us that again she asked for sex in the Trealaw cemetery.

But what about this being the only place Dave and Laura did not get it on?

Dave takes us on a journey with his Wangers, stopping off at the centre spot of his local football club, in nightclub toilets and in peoples’ back gardens.

And here is Laura, a woman eyeing a career preparing corpses for burial, leaning on the cemetery gates, a dash of curry sauce behind the ear, seductively slurping on a bottle of alcopops and batting her one still open eye.

But Dave resists. He lives to tell the tale. For now…

Posted: 11th, June 2007 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink