
Anorak News | Big Brother Charley’s Boot Matches Her IQ

Big Brother Charley’s Boot Matches Her IQ

by | 20th, June 2007

CHARLEY branded Seany a bully after he poured water into her £170 Ugg boots. The irony was not lost on Betfair punters.They saw her as a cert for a red card from the Big Brother house prior to this week’s eviction nominations. She was trading as low as 1.40 or 2-5 – which is the equivalent of a 70% chance of leaving in the 2nd eviction.

But Charley can continue to strut around the house with her signature misguided confidence. She has miraculously avoided nomination. Her price for eviction in this round has jumped to 70 – which, incidentally, is the same as her IQ as tested by Big Brother.

It is Seany, amongst other nominees Carole and Jonathan, who is favourite to go. Let’s hope he is not evicted so that he can continue to “bully” Charley.

There are rumours that no one will be evicted this week and that the “evictee” will go into a house next door. This means that the 2nd eviction market could roll over, as happened in the 1st eviction market. This would leave a good opportunity for the long price backers and the short price layers with most housemates being backed as high as 999-1 and Seany at 1.7 to go.


1. According to Wikipedia, an IQ of 70 sits just within the bounds for mild mental disability. Though as BBLB suggested, she may not have been full concentrating on the test.

Posted: 20th, June 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink