Big Brother’s Secret Sex Plot And Laura’s Hunger For Charley
PSSST! Wannna know a Big Brother secret?
The Star can’t keep it to itself. And screams: “CHARLEY IN SECERT SEX PLOT TO WIN BIG BRUV.”
As secrets go this one is right up there with the rumour that Prince Harry likes a drink, kebabs taste best after ten pints of Belgian lager and Princess Diana is married to Osama bin Laden and living on an Australian ostrich station and answer to the name Shep.
Reading on, we see Charley wearing a belt over her chest. Her cunning plot involves her trying to seduce the show’s favourite male (Liam) by wearing a string of belts and pelmets. For added stealth, Charley gyrates about an imaginary pole while looking as available as air.
“You’ll love this skirt,” it’s so short,” says Charley to Liam. Liam doesn’t complain. Liam doesn’t say much. Liam is the big lad with the soft heart. He smiles. Inside he might be in tears. With Liam it’s not easy to tell. “Ay,” says Liam. “Ay-ay,” says Liam when aroused.
Although he did laugh and high-five Seany when the “one man minority quota” pushed Charley into the pool.
Liam probably doesn’t realise he’s in trouble. In “LIAM CASH BACKLASH”, the Star says Big Brother’s jealous wannabes are turning on the winner of the £100,000 game show.
Liam’s money has not brought him lasting joy. Indeed, if Laura has her way, it will bring him nothing but misery.
“It’s nor fair,” blubs Laura Williams, the only hideous pink tracksuit in the village. It might be that the lack of food is getting to Laura. Or it might be that her tracksuit is the best thing about her?
How long before she eats Charley?
Posted: 22nd, June 2007 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink