Samanda’s Big Brother Birthday Hanging Picnic
GO long on jelly, ice cream and diazepam – Samanda (99-1 to be the next eviction) is turning 19 on Tuesday.
Yesterday the girls were holding hands and spinning around the lounge dreaming of fluffy pink world.
For those of you who have switched off from Samanda (16-1 to win), the pair recently spoke about wanting a career as a social worker.
Perhaps they believe that skipping into a depressive’s lounge dressed in seven shades of pink and speaking in Norwegian (that is their first language, right?) will brighten people’s lives. It won’t. It will just push them further towards the edge and then over it.
But how to celebrate being 19-year-old twins? Brian suggests a date with him and a party room. Jonathan (6-1 to leave next) says: “You’ve got about a million pound worth of film crews filming your birthday.”
Jonathan’s looks like he’d pay good money for the tape. And then show it to pals in his media room at home. While the boys tuck into free range humus dip, Jonathan will tell them how he lived with the girls for a few weeks and hit the slo-mo button to watch them sleep.
We’re ahead of Jonathan. Tape the girls dancing. Play it back. Slow it down and it’s like the scene in Picnic at Hanging Rock right before the girls disappear and all that’s left of them is a veiled pinkish glow and the sound of the giggling Kookaburras.
Morbid, I know. And it’s on top of the impression that Samanda (3-1 to be top female) is the kind of girl who goes into the cellar at the start of slasher films. Samanda are emblematic of mortality.
That’s them at the door know. They’re running about the room clutchign fluffy pink notepads and talking in tongues.
If only they’d just drop off the medication and leave…
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Posted: 23rd, June 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink