Big Brother: Ziggy Wants Chanelle Out
“ZIGGY: vote Chanelle out tonight,” says the Star front page, the “official” Big Brother newspaper.
“Love rat plans to bed Charley.”
Anyone who has seen the show will know Ziggy to be far from a love rat. Thrown into the house with eleven women, Ziggy behaved like a gentlemen.
His error was to hook up with Chanelle, who longs to be part to the kind of romance she’s spent her teenage years reading about in Bella magazine.
But there is no romance. There is only convenience and panic. Ziggy does not want to sleep in between Tracey and Carole. Chantelle does not want to wake up with Charley’s pet hairs on her face and drowning in Laura’s chest. So Chanelle and Ziggy buddy up at bed time.
But it has to be more than sleeping arrangements. They have to talk to each other for the rest of the day.
But Ziggy is finding it a struggle. He wants out. For some weeks, Ziggy has been telling Chanelle how much he really, really, really likes her. The hope is that she will question her own feelings and dump him. “I like you,” says Ziggy, “please dump me. Finish with me. I can’t bare your whining, your moaning and your neediness.”
Chanelle looks at him. She sees Beckham. She sees a ten-page photospread in heat. She sees babies called Red and Armani.
Chanelle is up for eviction. She’s 15-1 to go tonight. Chances are that Ziggy will not wave goodbye to Chanelle with one hand while the other pulls Charley.
And chances are he won’t quit if Chanelle walks. The Sport says: “Ziggy: Kick out Chanelle and I quit.”
He won’t quit. She wont’ go. We would like her too, though. There is nothing in this relationship. Ziggy and Chanelle are tiresome and draining. Their romance is a prison. Ziggy knows they have nothing. He tells Gerry: “If Chanelle stays then great. But if she goes, it will give me the freedom to do what I want.”
Ziggy wants to flirt with Samanda and Charley. He may even chat up Nicky. But he will not get hooked up, not make the same mistake twice.
No, Laura will go. She’s 1-20 to be evicted. Take the bet…
Posted: 6th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink