Grace Before Film: “Net Closes” In On Madeleine McCann’s Kidnappers
THE Express’s front-page headline (“MADELEINE”) is married to the promise of a “FREE £15 EYE TEST FOR EVERY READER AT ASDA.”
The face of Madeleine McCann stares from the page. Readers are used to the image, familiar with Madeleine’s distinctive right eye, where the pupil runs into the blue-green iris.
The official Madeleine McCann website features the song Everything I Do (I Do It For You), chosen no doubt because it opens with the line “Look into my eyes”. Although the song also implores listeners to “Search your heart – search your soul/ And when you find me there you’ll search no more”, words that appeal to the tabloid press for whom Madeleine is “our Maddy”.
Entertaining Stuff
Such mawkishness causes Tony Parsons to write in the Mirror of the people who felt uneasy about the cinema showing of Shrek The Third (certificate U) featuring an appeal for “snatched” Madeleine. Parsons says of the people on a fun day out who don’t like their four and five-years old learning of children “snatched” from their beds and never seen again: “And they should be grateful that their own children will sleep in their own beds tonight.”
Only a lunatic would want to experience what the McCanns are going through. But we should not give thanks that our children sleep in their own beds in this Grace Before Film. The crime of child abduction is rare. We should be shocked at the crime, not anxious and fearful that our children will be next.
Fishing Net
But Madeleine McCann does appear as the victim of a heinous crime. And now good news. Promising news. “Net is closing in on kidnappers,” says the Express. “Chief suspect faces new quiz.”
Only the Express has news of a breakthrough. And the news is that police “expect a major breakthrough in the hunt for her kidnappers”.
What it is? Can’t say? Will it lead to Madeleine being found? Can’t say? Will it be a happy ending? Can’t say. Will the ogre get it in the neck? Can’t say.
The Express is thin on facts but it does say that the chief suspect is Robert Murat. He is due to be “hauled in” for more questions later this week.
Says a police source: “While there is only one official suspect so far, investigators have identified other people they believe were involved in this case and they are now being sought.”
But the only suspect we have is Robert Murat. And his estranged British wife Dawn tells us: “Hopefully, any new meeting with police will be able to tell him he is no longer wanted with their inquiries.”
That might be it. If any new evidence were incriminating, the police would not wait to speak with Murat or arrest him.
But still the Express looks at Murat twice and tells us all about him. It offers no new insight, no new clue. But the net is closing in, we are assured.
Keep your eyes peeled. Wear glasses if you must. Help find Madeleine…
Posted: 9th, July 2007 | In: Madeleine McCann 114 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink