
Anorak News | Big Brother Betting Odds And Free Bet

Big Brother Betting Odds And Free Bet

by | 14th, July 2007

charley-big-brother.jpgCHARLEY Uchea is now 31-1 to win Big Brother. Two weeks ago when Billi Bhatti was her designated rowing companion, Charley was 90-1. (Use your free Anorak bet.)
What changed between then and now is that Big Brother contrived to make Charley indestructible.

It created FAKE week in which Charley was set up for the fall. She fell. She was caught by Big Brother’s producers understandably concerned that six weeks of housemates getting on would not make good telly. Charley was carried shoulder high back into the house by a simpering Davina McCall.

Of course, most of the crowd that said anything screamed “GET CHARLEY OUT!” But Charley saw only the small handkerchief-sized banner that said “Charley can’t help it” and told her housemates “Oh my GOD! They LOVE me!”

The girl is maddening, hateful, spiteful and deluded. She is also capable of being entertaining, which the rest of the housemates are not.

Without Charley, the show hinges on:

How shiny Carole can get the dining table

How blonde is too blonde for Samanda and the corollary ‘Can you ever go too blonde?’

What does it say on Ziggy’s chest (a poll of the Anorak’s typing pool suggests: “Teeth by Tip-Ex”; a disclaimer: “I need fame and am only using you as a means to an end”; and “If you can read this you are too close.”

So Charley is back inside. And now she knows everything. Thanks to Big Brother, Charley knows what she looks like when she rows. This came as a shock to Charley who one had supposed practiced rowing in front of a mirror.

She knows what her housemates think of her, again no little shock to us who have seen her argue with one and all, Gerry chuck a glass of water over her and the fact she was nominated and evicted.

And she now knows what she has to do to win: row.

Last week was FAKE week and this week will be CHARLEY week again. Or, should she turn the rowing up a notch, ASBO Week, MURDER week or NEW CONTESTANT week…

Posted: 14th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink