
Anorak News | Sleep-Deprived Workers Costing £120million

Sleep-Deprived Workers Costing £120million

by | 16th, July 2007

THE Monday morning rush hour resembles a scene from Dawn of the Dead as sleep-deprived zombie workers struggle to kick-start their working week.

What with staying out all night clubbing or stalking your friends on Facebook ‘til the early hours, Britain’s working population just is getting enough sleep. And it’s costing the country £120million.

That figure comes courtesy of recruitment firm Office Angels, who found that only 51 per cent of workers said they slept for eight hours on a Sunday, with two thirds of those surveyed claiming to return to the office on a Monday morning feeling cranky and unproductive. But surely most workers feel that way every day?

It is estimated that these sleep-deprived workers are costing £120million in wasted wages, as they each spend around 20 minutes a day daydreaming and making strong coffee before settling down.

With the military already using a “wakefulness promoting agent” drug called modafinil to keep soldiers awake for days, expect big corporations to start providing it free to workers. After all, nothing should stand in the way of profit.

Posted: 16th, July 2007 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink