
Anorak News | Charity Fatigue A Myth: Britons Donate Billions

Charity Fatigue A Myth: Britons Donate Billions

by | 16th, July 2007

pudsey.jpgDESPITE the Government doing its best to destroy the nation’s community spirit and turn us into money-grabbing, soulless little automatons, we Brits remain a generous nation. Really, we do.

According to figures released by the Charities Aid Foundation, £10.9billion was donated to the top 500 charities in the UK in 2006, an increase of almost £1billion on the previous year. The charity sector has also enjoyed an 8.6 per cent rise in income year on year, over three times the growth rate of GDP.

Oxfam’s head of new income, Barney Tallack, is understandably pleased by the figures. Says he: “It’s great news that the whole sector is up and shows that ‘donor fatigue’ is a bit of a myth. There has been a lot of innovation over the last two years, with charities finding new ways of engaging with the public.”

Major global causes such as poverty, humanitarian aid, disaster funds and children’s charity accounted for 27.7 per cent of all voluntary donations, with international charities enjoying a 22 per cent increase in revenues last year.

Yet still they can’t heal Pudsey bear’s gammy eye.

Actually, come to think of it, maybe Comic Relief veteran Terry Wogan is continually hurting Pudsey in a classic case of Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy?

Give til it hurts…

Posted: 16th, July 2007 | In: Money Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink