Big Brother: Tracey Barnard’s Special Advice
“I FEAR for her,” says Debbie McBratey of Tracey Barnard in the Star.
Debbie has known Big Brother’s raver for years. Says she: “Drugs do destroy your life, but no only her mum and dad’s, her nieces’, her nephews’. And they all think the world of her.”
Yes, that’s right. It’s the worst thing that can happen to a parent. You wake up and you ask yourself where you went wrong. Was it our fault she turned out as she did? Did we drive her to it? Why did Debbie have to become a Special Constable.
“She got into raves,” says Debbie and that is her life now. “Raving is not for me. I am not into drugs.”
No. Because drugs can make you do crazy thing like dressing up and obeying strange voices. They can make you pull on silly hats and find you walking in a dimly lit park at 11pm.
Don’t do it. Just say no. Run!
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Posted: 24th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink