
Anorak News | Big Brother: Charley Wags Her Footballer

Big Brother: Charley Wags Her Footballer

by | 30th, July 2007

FETCH the magic sponge. Fetch two. Hell, dredge the Great Barrier reef and call Paul Daniels. As the Star’s front-page headline screams: “BIG BRUV CHARLEY: I BEDDED PREM STAR.”

Furtive looks in the summer training camp as Gary looks to Jermaine looks to Smudger. “Was that Charley?” they wonder, recalling a trip to a toilet in an Essex nightclub.

Charley is all over the Star like a wannabe over a, well, a footballer in a nightclub. Charley says “all hell would beak lose” if the name of her conquest were to slip out.

So she gives us a clue: “He is in the Premiership and he is good looking and fit and we had a thing. It all had to be kept quiet… We met in secret for sex.”

Charley, it should not be forgotten, thinks she is gorgeous. For sure, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but unkind voices suggest Charley invests some money in laser surgery and cataract removal.

Although in the land of the delusional, the one-eyed woman is queen.

Posted: 30th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink