
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann: ‘Bad Dad’ Gerry McCann, The Psychic Barber And Drugs

Madeleine McCann: ‘Bad Dad’ Gerry McCann, The Psychic Barber And Drugs

by | 2nd, October 2007

MADDYWATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann.

DAILY EXPRESS front page: “Madeleine was drugged but it was by kidnapper says her grandmother.”

Page 9: “Madeleine’s family: She was drugged…but not by parents.”

Eileen McCann, Gerry’s mother – says: “I really believe they [whoever took her] gave her a drug. There is no way they carried her out of there without her waking. If she was taken when she was sleeping by somebody she did not know, she would have screamed the place down.”

Alternatively, she was taken by someone she did know? Or Mrs McCann is just speculating.

“’BAD DAD’ GERRY” – Carlos Anjos, head of the Portuguese Police Federation, says Gerry, “a heart consultant”, is a “negligent father”. This is his “astonishing rant”.

THE SUN front page: “Mystics hunt for Maddie.”

Around 150 leads provided by mystics have been followed up.

Page 6: “ASK PSYCHIC BARBER TO HELP FIND MADDIE” – Clairvoyant Gordon Smith has been contacted by the family. Smith hosts TV’s Most Haunted show. He says he can tell if Madeleine is alive or dead. Mick is nicknamed “THE PSYCHIC BARBER”.

Page 5: “‘Madeleine must have been drugged..she would have screamed place down’” – GRANDMOTHER EILEEN McCANN YESTERDAY.”

“Couple call on psychic to help” – Ex-hairdresser Smith is a “wacky medium”.
Says he: “In order for it to work I need to sit with the closest relatives who would be the parents. Then I’d tune in and see what I can pick up. But I would always warn them that there’s a possibility nothing might happen.”

Best to warn them of that first…

DAILY MAIL page 5: “Now police leader mocks ‘negligent’ Gerry McCann over his fears that an abductor was in Maddie’s room.”

“Call for the ‘psychic barber’” – “Despite both being strict Roman Catholics, the couple have already made contact” with Gordon Smith.

DAILY STAR front page: “MADDIE I’LL FIND BODY IN DAYS. Parents call in psychic.”

Page 7: “MADDIE’S PARENTS CALL FOR PSYCHIC BARBER” – “I have offered my help for free,” says Smith. “I never charge for private readings. I have already assured them I will say nothing to the press.” Indeed, not. Best save it for the book.

DAILY TELEGRAPH page 15: “Police chief accuses McCanns of hindering inquiry” – Carlos Anjos accuses McCanns of using “diversion tactics”.

THE TIMES page 27: “McCanns ‘considering psychic help’”

THE GUARDIAN no Maddie new today.

Madeleine McCann: A Life In Headlines

Posted: 2nd, October 2007 | In: Madeleine McCann 1244 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink