
Anorak News | Princess Diana IS Dead…Hurry Up

Princess Diana IS Dead…Hurry Up

by | 24th, October 2007

A RAISED voice at the Pricness Diana Inquest: “’SHE’S DEAD HURRY UP…’”

No rush, you might suppose. We’ve had ten years to catch up with events on that fate-filled night in Paris. Another decade won’t matter. We need to gather all the evidence. Hear all views. We need to be certain.
And on the Express: “Diana inquest hears sensational evidence.” Diana is not smiling today. Her teeth are bared and she wears generous pearl earrings with matching choker. As Anorak readers know, Diana’s expression is changeable, a barometer that reflects the Express’s news within.

Inside, Diana is smiling once more. Says the paper: “Photographer at Diana crash yelled to partner ‘She’s dead, hurry up’.”

Yannick Chenna is a motorist at the scene. He sees he saw photographer Romauld Rat get off a mortobike and open the car door. Rat runs to his partner and offers the command “She’s is dead, hurry up.

American tourist Brian Anderson is now talking. He sees a “significant flash of light”.

But it fades too quickly. And we continue to look for the truth…

Pic: The Spine –  Click the picture for the full, er, picture

Posted: 24th, October 2007 | In: Royal Family, Tabloids 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink