Chlamydia And Other Flowery Words
“ONE in ten men thinks chlamydia is a flower’.” So reports the Times. And Dr Mary Macintosh, director of the Chlamydia Screening Programme, says: “We have to increase awareness among men.”
Men, of course, might be embarrassed to say the word to their GP or nurse for fear of mispronouncing it. Anorak conducted our own survey of the accounts department and found that while 20 per cent of men had heard of CLAM-IDIA, only 15 per cent had heard of CLAMMY-DAY and just five per cent of CH-LAM-DAY.
We took the results upstairs to Old Mr Anorak who offered: “I need this cleared up fast!”
Posted: 9th, November 2007 | In: Broadsheets Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink