
Anorak News | Jordan’s Balancing Act

Jordan’s Balancing Act

by | 8th, January 2008

jordan-balance.jpgTHE Jordan diet is proving to be as challenging as the women herself.

Having shed Pounds! Pounds! Pounds! by having her Jordans reduced from gargantuan to huge, the glamour model has now had her nose slimmed.

“A NEW NOSE FOR JORDAN,” trills the Mirror’s front-page. AFTER and BEFORE shots seem to prove the point that Jordan has shaved at least an ounce of weight off her already slender frame.

Of course it is all a matter of balance. Less the Mirror’s FOR and AGAINST column, as a Dr and tabloid writer give their verdicts on Jordan’s look, rather a matter of the laws of physics.

Jordan’s smaller breasts necessitate a smaller nose. It is no accident the new nose and reduced hair extensions (hair now brunette and lighter in dye) come after her pregnancy, when Jordan tummy vied to enter a room before Jordan bosom.

The tummy went. Then the bust. Now the bust is down and the nose follows.

Should Jordan develop love handles – and it is a big if – she will either have to push her hair into a bouffant perm, have her ears widened or have them merged to her bosom…

Posted: 8th, January 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink