
Anorak News | Cop Out: Reg Hollis Is Cut From The Bill

Cop Out: Reg Hollis Is Cut From The Bill

by | 9th, January 2008

reg-hollis.jpg“HORROR AT TV STUDIO,” screams the Sun’s front page. “BILL’S REG SLASHES WRISTS. Legends suicide bid after sacking.”

Will it help the Bill’s Reg to know that at the moment of his most desperate, when at his lowest ebb he is made known to millions by his on-screen name?

If PC Reg Hollis, sorry, Jeff Stewart, were worried about what life holds in store after being stripped of his uniform, he need fret no longer.

Reg survives, and with it his chance to appear sat on a bar stool in a pub waiting to be approached by fans.

“Evening all, Reg”, they say, offering to take down his particulars, and should Reg react unfavourably, falling headfirst down the stairs…

Posted: 9th, January 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (13) | TrackBack | Permalink