
Anorak News | Celebrity Norovirus With Charlie Brooker

Celebrity Norovirus With Charlie Brooker

by | 14th, January 2008

norovirus.jpgUNLIKE, say, MRSA, the Norovirus bug has yet to find its celebrity face.

MRSA has embraced Kathy Burke – “I had that C.difficile hospital bug that everyone is going on about. It was an experience” – and Leslie Ash – “I want to bring this to the public notice”.

But Norovirus, also known as winter vomiting disease, has no VIP champion.

Doctors estimate more than 10,000 people a week are catching Norovirus. Knowing that there is now one celebrity for ever 1,000 Live Audience Members (Source: Anthea Turner’s Celebrity Survey), we wonder if the celebrity world is keeping the illness in house. Puking, diarrhoea and the multi-talented “Diking” (both at once) are, perhaps, less marketable than MRSA, with its mysteries and plotlines.

In the Guardian, Charlie Brooker, who appears on BBC4, says: “There’s a plague stalking the land and I’m terrified. But here’s how to avoid Notovirus meltdown.”

Brooker has been successful so far. This might be because he has washed his hands and spent past of the last month in New York. It might be down to sheer bloody-mindedness.

But if the likeable Brooker does fall ill, he might be the one to tell us about it. Assuming, of course, his computer does not become clogged with the detritus of the disease no-one is talking about…

Posted: 14th, January 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Celebrities Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink