
Anorak News | Kentucky Fried By Peta’s Acrostic Stephen Pollard

Kentucky Fried By Peta’s Acrostic Stephen Pollard

by | 15th, January 2008

kfc-peta.jpgPETA, the human animal rights group, has placed a tombstone with a hidden message in the Louisville cemetery in which the founder of KFC is interred.

“We do not believe in being part of any political message at all,” says Mac Barr, board chairman of Cave Hill Cemetery. “And I think that kind of message is inappropriate for this cemetery.”

A seemingly innocuous poem is inscribed on the headstone. However, when read vertically, the first letter of each line spells out “KFC Tortures Birds“.

Acrostic poems are admirable when pulled off. The protest group Surrend once placed an ad in an Iranian newspaper which looked like a criticism of George Bush but featured a picture of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad above the word “SWINE”.

One of the most famous acrostics was found scratched on a wall in the ruins of Pompeii. It reads:


It is unique in that it not only reads the same up and down and left to right, it also spells out a passable Latin sentence translated as “The sower Arepo holds the wheels at work”

Ode of Welcome in Irish Society  is ostensibly a salute to soldiers returning from duty but which features the message “The whores will be busy”.

But Anorak’s favourite was enacted by Mr Stephen Pollard, now of the Times, who in a commentary on the virtues of organic farming made clear his feelings for the new Express owner, Richard Desmond with a initial “fuck you Desmond”.

Posted: 15th, January 2008 | In: Strange But True 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink