
Anorak News | She Used To Be Jordan

She Used To Be Jordan

by | 16th, January 2008

jordans.jpg“DIDN’T YOU used to be Jordan?” The blonde throws back her short-bobbed hair and laughs loud and long, a flash of brilliant white teeth light the rooms.

“It is. It is Jordan, winner of the Orange Prize for fiction (When The Tan Goes, I Go) and captain of the Tope Team on Celebrity Question Time (Jordan was MP for Basildon).”

It is Jordan, known now to millions as Lady Jordan Rooney. But in 2023, not everyone will recognise Jordan. The mo-del is changing.

In an OK exclusive, the Jordan asks readers: “GUESS WHAT SURGERY I’M HAVING NEXT?”

Looking at her, we’d say her skin tones are suggestive of a liver transplant. A tonsillectomy? We could spend all day guessing. But soon Jordan is giving clues: “If I was getting lines and crow’s feet round my eyes I would definitely do something about it.”

She then offers: “Sometimes you’re not as tight down there as you’d like…sometimes if you cough of sneeze, a bit of wee comes out.”

We wonder if there is one operation that can satisfy both symptoms? Perhaps Jordan can be turned upside down..?

Posted: 16th, January 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink