
Anorak News | Tara Reid Thin

Tara Reid Thin

by | 23rd, January 2008

tara-reid.jpgTARA Reid tells OK!: “I’m not too thin!”

You cannot, of course, be too thin. You can only have friends who are not thin enough, a high metabolism and unflattering lighting.

With the key fact about Tara established, we move on to how the actress escapes “the negativity”.

As OK! says, there are reports that she is “too thin”; “Have you ever had any weight issues?”; “Are you worried that impressionable young girls might get the wrong message about body image?”

So Tara, how do you escape it?

Tara, it turns out, goes on holiday. And to combat the staring and the finger-pointing she allows OK! to take photos of her as she holidays in Bali.

In one shot, Tara is sat on a bar stool, the legs of which are thinner and more wood stained than Tara’s.

In anther picture, Tara stands between two Balinese dancers and presses the palms of her hands together. She also puts her legs together.

Tara is achieving what not-too-thin actresses call “life balance”…

Pic: 14

Posted: 23rd, January 2008 | In: Celebrities, OK! 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink