
Anorak News | Britney Spears’ Voicemail

Britney Spears’ Voicemail

by | 27th, January 2008

ADNAN Ghalib kept Britney Spears’ voicemails because he just wanted to hear her voice when she wasn’t around.

You can hear them on this video. Keep playing them until you next hook up.

He’s in interview.

Nodding Head: What about her British accent? 

AG: “It’s no different to you deciding if you’re going to wear your hair up or down.”

NH: Is she the new Princess Diana? There are similarties. Britney is chased by the paparazzi..:

AG: “Or dating an Arab”. Ghalib is of Pakistani stock? From El Birmingham…

NH: Did Britney pick up the British accent from you?

AG: “I think so… Yes”

Adnan is from Birmingham, Brit-nay sounds like a BBC newsreader in 1973. Her clipped phrases and lengthened vowels are an anachronism.

Britney with her modern name, tattoos and location-named children should note that
“wicked” and not “splendid ” is the norm, so too for “y’alrite” (“how do you do?”) and “nob end” (“gentleman caller”, voicemailer)…

Posted: 27th, January 2008 | In: Celebrities Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink