
Anorak News | Matt Drudge’s Gives America The Daily Mail

Matt Drudge’s Gives America The Daily Mail

by | 28th, January 2008

daily-wail1.jpgMATT Drudge, publisher of The Drudge Report, continues to look at the UK with the Daily Mail’s matchsticks propping up his eyelids.

You cannot look away. The monster crabs, wasps the size of single mums birds and a new virus so big shoppers in the leafier parts of Waitrose can see it with the naked eye are upon us.

The Mail spots the enemy and then turns it into the UK’s hate figure.

This and looking at woman who dare to get old (and not wear chiffon), cancer, things that are cancers (asylum seekers, football fans, being fat etc.) and how we all hate today’s Britain are the mainstays of the Daily Mail.

And is is from this source that Matt Drudge trawls the news for his readers.

Irony Of Ironies

There are some who say that Americans do not do irony. This is clearly nonsense. Americans created and watched Seinfeld

But there is no irony in Drudge’s presentation of the story that a large U.S. spy satellite has lost power and could hit the Earth in late February or early March. Or not.

The sense of the absurd is not dented by the discovery that the man who is telling us not to panic is called Pike. Mr Pike says it’s “not likely the threat from the satellite could be eliminated by shooting it down with a missile, because that would create debris that would then re-enter the atmosphere and burn up or hit the ground”.

Pike is the director of the defense research group He estimates that the spacecraft weighs about 20,000 pounds and is the size of a small bus.

Which means Drudge’s audience get:

THE SPY IS FALLING: Disabled Satellite Threatens Earth…

…’the size of a bus’

On the Mail’s website the story is illustrated by a still of Bruce Willis saving the Earth from Armageddon.

But not saving us from the space virus that has hitched a lift on the satellite…

Posted: 28th, January 2008 | In: Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink