
Anorak News | Celebrity Police Interview Amy Winehouse

Celebrity Police Interview Amy Winehouse

by | 6th, February 2008

amy-winehouse-police.jpg“COPS GRILL AMY OVER CRACK VID.”

Britain’s celebrity police force, acting on tip-off from an informer on the Sun’s front page, are in conversation with Amy Winehouse.

Says a source: “The timing of this isn’t great. She is desperate to go to The Grammys and needs to show US officials she is taking her rehabilitation seriously.” Witness statements are being taken.

Over in the confines of North London’s Capio Nightingale clinic, police are giving the place the once over. They talk with Winehouse for two hours, an interview, one imagines, that is written up.

If a few mug shots could be taken, the feature could make the front page of the next police newsletter, Kate Moss permitting.

The Sun says that cops have seized the Sun’s footage of Winehouse “smoking crack after taking cocaine, ecstasy and Valium”.

A source reveals: “She was not arrested. She is co-operating with police.”

No new mug shots are being taken. Although if Amy could just sign a few old snaps, it should be much appreciated down at the station…

Posted: 6th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink