Sticking Two Fingers Up To Rowan Williams’ Islamophilia
THE Archbishop of Canterbury, the bathetic Rowan Williams, makes known his views on Islam and Sharia law.
Williams’ Islamophilia, his obsession with Muslims, allows the Sun’s front-page headline “WHAT A BURKHA”.
This is accompanied by that picture of a veiled Muslim woman walking in a northern street sticking up two fingers to the camera.
If ever the was sign that beneath the religious panoply a common British identity exists we have yet to see it.
Of course, the Sun misses the point. It sees two fingers being put up to the UK. But the news should not get in the way of a decent pun.
Surely the joke should be on Williams and his Church of England, not Islam.
Or are they now beyond a joke?
Posted: 8th, February 2008 | In: Tabloids 15 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink