
Anorak News | Kate Moss And The St John’s Wood Drugs War

Kate Moss And The St John’s Wood Drugs War

by | 10th, February 2008

stjohnswood.jpgIN “DEALERS’ HATE FOR KATE”, the Star journeys to St John’s Wood, the Primrose Hill hinterlands inhabited by ambassadors, textile millionaires and a strange tribe of Filipino women called Monica.

The paper says drug dealers “reckon their buyers in London’s St John’s Wood have been scared off since Kate, 34, bought a £10million mansion there. She attracts so much media attention the punters worry they’ll be caught in the spotlight”.

Says a source: “Although it’s only about half a mile from where she was living before, it’s a world away in terms of the people.“At her last place, they were all millionaires. Here it is very mixed.”  To wit, the Filipinos…

Posted: 10th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink