Muslims Benefit In The UK: Daily Express Celebrates
THE Express shines a light on the life of Mohammed Salim, who has retired from his job as a teacher to “make more on benefits”.
While working, Mr Salim earned £27,000-a-year. Not working, Mr Salim is said to pull in £29,096 a year “in handouts doing nothing more than biting the hand that feeds him and planning to father a 12th child for taxpayers to support”.
A voice from the Taxpayers’ Alliance reacts to the Express’ speed dial and calls it “deplorable” and “wrong”.
But it looks like Mr Salim is doing the best by his family. And he’s now at home to help his wife, too. Mr Salim was born in Pakistan and runs an “Islamic political party” called Islam Zinda Baad Platform. He says: “This is what is great about Britain. In Pakistan, the government does not look after you.”
More good news, then. The UK is a great place to live. Equality rules. What’s good for white, Christian working-class familes is good for Muslim familes. Although teachers are undervalued.
But one line of this tale stands out. As with all such stories, the subject is looked upon and priced up. Whatever he has, it is too much.
Express readers get this insight: “They own a mini-bus to ferry them [the family] all around – or “swan around in” (News of the World) – have two TVs and a computer, plus a garden full of brightly-coloured toys.”
Do two television sets, one computer and one car between 13 people seem excessive?
And as for brightly coloured toys, well, who cannot be incandescent with delight..?
Posted: 11th, February 2008 | In: Tabloids 11 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink