
Anorak News | The Mills McCartney Divorce Circus

The Mills McCartney Divorce Circus

by | 12th, February 2008

popatov.jpgNO cruelty to animals at the circus please, just more of the delightful Nataliya firing a crossbow bolt towards her husband’s head.

Such wholesome entertainment is on offer at the Moscow State Circus. And there is an added element of danger.

As the Express reports, Nataliya is estranged from husband Anton Popazov. The two are in the throes of a divorce.

Anton and Nataliya have been married for 20 years. The marriage is shot to pieces, much like Anton should he move an inch as his soon-to-be-ex-wife takes aim and fires.

“I still trust her because Nataliya is very professional,” says Anton. “It’s not every man’s cup of tea to have his ex-partner firing arrows at him every day, but the show must go on.”

It must go on for another ten months, the length of the Amazing Popazovs contract.

For added danger, and a new finale, Anton will take to wearing a Paul McCartney mask and bobbling his mop top, while Nataliya stands on one leg and attempts to knock the golden apple from his head……

Posted: 12th, February 2008 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink